Recently, a video went viral on social media showing a Ford GT belonging to the Johor royal family being driven around Kuala Lumpur. While it is known the Johor royal family has an impressive car collection, what was interesting in the video was a liveried R35 Nissan GT-R serving as an escort car to the supercar, which some netizens claimed was bought using government funds.
However, Tunku Temenggong Johor (TTJ) Tunku Idris Iskandar Ibni Sultan Ibrahim has dismissed such claims via several postings on Instagram. According to TTJ, the GT-R police escort car was a birthday gift from him to his father and current DYMM Yang di-Pertuan Agong Sultan Ibrahim Iskandar nine years ago.
“Relax kids. I bought that car for Tuanku” was the caption accompanying one of TTJ’s postings, which also included a photo of the car being prepared for its livery. In his final post, he reminded everyone not to create slander.
This isn’t the first time this GT-R went viral on the internet. In 2015, the car with the registration ‘JZ 42’ also made the rounds on Facebook.
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